Darebin Appropriate Development Association | DADA

Darebin Appropriate Development Association | DADA

Darebin Appropriate Development Association (DADA) is a group of concerned Darebin residents who feel that without proper checks and balances Darebin will lose it's eclectic soul.

DADA is not against development however it is against INAPPROPRIATE development.

Darebin has its own unique eclectic mix and vibe and this could be lost. High rise development has its place in society and that is what Docklands is all about. The exisiting infrustructure is already at bursting point and to add extra pressure on this through inappropriate development makes the problem worse for everyone.


DADA's objectives are to stop inappropriate developments in Darebin.

We are not ANTI development however we feel that there needs to be some perspective in this matter.

The reason why people move to Darebin is because of the village feel and the sense of community. Allowing high rise developments will detract from this as well as placing a burden on the already over stretched Public Transport system as well as increasing traffic and parking problems.

Council regulations seems to make no difference as developers appeal to VCAT to get what they want.

Protect your community


❊ Web Links ❊

Darebin Appropriate Development Association | DADA 


Northcote @ wikipedia.org


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Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Darebin Appropriate Development Association | DADA