Uniting AgeWell | Strathdon Community

Uniting AgeWell | Strathdon Community

Strathdon Community holds a number of fundraising and community events each year.

Uniting AgeWell is a leading provider of aged care services in Victoria and Tasmania, currently providing services to over 2,500 older people, including assisted residential care, unit accommodation, day therapy programs and community care packages that enable older people to continue living in their own homes. Uniting AgeWell is an agency of the Uniting Church in Australia, managed by a Board of 10 members, with over 2350 employees who are supported by 600 volunteers.

Strathdon Community is a Uniting AgeWell residential facility in Forest Hill that was established in 1968 and employs 20 full-time and 220 part-time staff whose work is supported by 131 volunteers.

Strathdon serves almost 1,000 clients/residents in a variety of settings comprising Independent Living Units, Residential Aged Care Services (ageing in place) and Day Programs. Included in the range of services is supplementary support for older people with disabilities which enable them to continue living in their homes.

Strathdon is home to nearly 300 men and women in their later years many of whom live with a form of dementia or disability and the Day Therapy Centre provides on-going services to over 700 external clients annually. The majority of residents and clients are from the City of Whitehorse.

For further information about upcoming events, please contact our Communications and Fundraising department by phoning 9845 3111

LangwarrinVictoria9845 3111

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Uniting AgeWell | Strathdon Community 


Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Uniting AgeWell | Strathdon Community