Upgrade: Featured Advertising

Upgrade: Featured Advertising

Maximum exposure by featuring in OnlyMelbourne, newsletter and social media pages.

A Featured listing is seen by thousands of readers on multiple channels: website, newsletter (edm) and social media.

Featured event coverage:

Melbourne What's On Calendar
Melbourne Home Page
Melbourne Side Bar (ROS - PC)
Melbourne Base Bar (ROS - Mobile)
Melbourne Newsletter (Tuesday)
Melbourne Social Media (Facebook + Twitter)

Use this page to order (upgrade) a standard (free) listing to a featured listing.

How To Order

Simply tell us how many weeks you want the Featured Listing to run and we'll do the rest.

Rate Card

Select the upgrade button below to order an upgrade.

The order will be processed within 24 business hours.

Update Pop-up

** Confirmation and invoice (PDF) is sent by email with a request for payment via Credit Card (VISA/MasterCard), PayPal or Bank Transfer. Payment required within 7 business days of activation.