Advertising | Listing Policy

Advertising | Listing Policy

The information on this site is copyright ONLYMELBOURNE.COM.AU.

Reproduction in whole or in part or any text, photograph or illustration without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited.

This page serves to explain the policy used by editors.

The advertising policy allows one listing per event, per date, per venue.


Listing titles should be in Sentence Case (not UPPER CASE) and accurately reflect the event name as seen on ticketing flyers.

Melbourne Exhibitions (art) titles: Artist Name | Exhibition Name.
Melbourne SEO, Acronyms and Invitations are unacceptable.
Melbourne Titles restricted to a maximum of 60 Characters.


Hyperlink - Often blue and underlined, hyperlinks, commonly called 'links' for short, is a clickable link between pages. In this reference it is a link between the listing page and the advertisers' web site.

Hyperlink to the advertisers' web site is limited to one outbound link to the root domain.

The hyperlink is a rel=nofollow.

Anchor Text: Company/business name.

Backlinks: Not required


Event listings should be submitted via an online application form not by email, press release or other form of communication.


❊ Web Links ❊

Advertising | Listing Policy 

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Advertising | Listing Policy