Artists for Kids' Culture

Artists for Kids' Culture

We want all kids to enjoy a wonderful and stimulating childhood where they may paint, play musical instruments, learn to dance, go on camps, explore and pursue their passions, and share fun and inspiring experiences with their peers as they grow.

How funding is managed

The AKC is volunteer run with three directors, a committee whose skills and experience lend a breadth of professional and personal experience. We operate in an informal and accessible way, maintaining strong relationships with maintains close contact with the Adventure Playgrounds and other social agencies including Mirabel, Wesley Mission and Ardoch Youth Foundation to ensure we are meeting a need that would otherwise not be met.

We enable simple group projects and provide an avenue for people with little formal support networks to reach us for individual needs. As a small funding body AKC is careful to review grant requests to understand the need, the potential for positive impact and the likelihood of other funding sources being available. We are aware of relevant funding sources such as EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance), the School Start Bonus and the State School Relief Committee, and seek to guide requests to the most appropriate source where eligibility is ascertained.


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Artists for Kids' Culture

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Artists for Kids' Culture