Bagle VIRUS' Nasty Turn

Bagle VIRUS' Nasty Turn

By Alyce Lomax [March 19, 2004] The Bagle virus took a turn for the worse yesterday, with variations now able to infect PCs without any user intervention.

By user intervention, we mean opening attachments. Even the most casual of home PC users now understand that it's dangerous to open strange attachments they're not expecting, especially from strangers or, sometimes, even from friends who have unknowingly sent a virus.

This new version of Bagle only requires a recipient to open the email or view it within the Outlook preview frame, where some invisible HTML code downloads and infects a PC through a known flaw in the Internet Explorer browser. According to Dow Jones, there are several subject lines that may herald the virus' arrival, including "E-Mail Warning"and "Fax Message Received."

Before you panic, there's good news. According to anti-virus rivals Network Associates (NYSE: NET) and Symantec (Nasdaq: SYMC), you PC users who have been downloading Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT) patches with discipline shouldn't have any problems. Meanwhile, most corporate IT departments have likely kept things up to date.

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