Be Confident Belong

Be Confident Belong

Be Confident Belong (BCBL) are small "hanging out"groups for young people who are bullied, unconfident or feel alone.

The groups are mixed with 4 - 8 young people 15+ . This is a safe and facilitated space to meet others the same age and build confidence. Groups are offered at venues around the inner city, Box Hill and where there is a group of at least 4. Young people who are particularly wanting to meet others and make friends are very welcome.

Jane Maher ran the CHAT program for young people at the Centre For Adolescent Health from 1997 - 2005.

Contact Jane for further information, location and times [email protected] or 0419 106156078.

AbbotsfordVictoria0419 102338

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Be Confident Belong

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Be Confident Belong