

Bravehearts was founded by Hetty Johnston during Child Protection Week, September 1997.

Bravehearts Inc. operates under an Article of Association, is operated by a Board of Management and is assisted by a professional Advisory Committee. We are registered under the Collections Act 1996; ABN and GST registered (41 496 913 890), are a registered Charity and are registered with the ATO as a DGR (Deductible Gift Recipient). We employ more than 50 staff across 9 offices.

Bravehearts' members comprise survivors, parents, friends, partners, professionals and non-abusive members of the community who share in the belief that child sexual assault must stop.

Bravehearts aims to empower, educate and protect by providing healing and support, engendering child sexual assault prevention and protection strategies; advocating for understanding and promoting increased education and research.

Bravehearts operates in four states across the Eastern sea board with headquarters in Queensland and offices in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

If you are in crisis and require AFTER HOURS assistance please call:

Kids Help Line - 1800 55 1800
Parent Line - 1300 30 1300
Lifeline - 13 11 14
1800 Respect (Family Violence and Sexual Assault Line) - 1800 737 732
Police Link - 131 444
Department of Child Safety (South East Queensland) - 1300 679 849 or 1800 177 135 (out of hours)


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Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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