Dacomb: Shorthand

Dacomb: Shorthand

Dacomb is a form of shorthand devised and taught by Melbourne sisters Beatrice & Clara Dacomb.

Dacomb shorthand was created as an alternative to the more complicated Pitman shorthand. It became accepted and popular in Australia, wiith it's own college and intergration into the Victorian legal system.

Beatrice Eliza Dacomb (1863-1947) and Clara Thurston Dacomb (1867-1946), co-inventors of Dacomb shorthand, were born in Portland, Victoria, sixth and eighth children of Edmund Dacomb, merchant, and his wife Eliza, n©e Evans, both English born.

Beatrice matriculated with honours, taught at Kilmore Ladies' College, obtained registration as a teacher of shorthand in 1914 and practised privately. Educated at Holstein House Ladies' College, South Yarra, Clara matriculated with honours in 1886 and gained a Pitman shorthand diploma.

In 1899-1914 she worked as a matriculation coach and commercial teacher at Methodist Ladies' College, Lilydale High School and various secretarial colleges before becoming in 1914 proprietor of the School of Shorthand, Block Arcade, Melbourne.


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Dacomb: Shorthand 


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Dacomb: Shorthand