Darebin Climate Action Network

Darebin Climate Action Network

Darebin Climate Action Network holds meetings on the last Monday of each month at 7.30pm - contact us for details or see the newsletter tab on this website.

Darebin Climate Action Network is an active member of the Climate Emergency Network - a network of community organisations and individuals campaigning for an urgent and effective response to a climate and sustainability emergency.

Darebin Climate Action Network is an independent non-party-politically aligned group of local citizens of all ages - campaigning for a safe climate future.

We want to educate and inform the community about the urgency of the climate crisis.
We urge Governments at all levels to recognise a climate emergency and act accordingly.
We urge you to become informed about climate change and the crisis facing all humanity.
We welcome new members to help take action to influence our political leaders.
We can keep you up-to-date with climate action you can participate in.
We can help to lead discussions or provide speakers for your community group.
We can help you form your own Climate Action Group in your neighbourhood, workplace, union, professional association, community group or school.


❊ Web Links ❊

Darebin Climate Action Network 


Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

Update Page

Darebin Climate Action Network