Southbank Pedestrian Bridge

Southbank Pedestrian Bridge

Over 20K people use the Southbank Pedestrian Bridge (Evan Walker Bridge) every day linking Flinders Street Station to Southbank.

The Evan Walker Bridge recognises the late Prof Walker's role in creating the Southbank precinct.

For a few years (2012-2015) it was known locally as Love Lock Bridge.

'Evan Walker was a highly regarded member of parliament, a visionary who protected what was important about our city but also had the foresight to identify opportunities to make Melbourne great.'

An architect by profession, Prof Walker placed a ministerial planning scheme in 1982 over the whole of the Southbank land, from the river back to the freeway alignment, and invited expressions of interest.

Almost 10 years later, the opening of Southgate provided Melburnians with an unprecedented opportunity to connect with the Yarra River along the Southbank promenade. Prof Walker's Southbank legacy has been extended with delivery of additional water-side connections through to Docklands.

The City of Melbourne renamed the bridge following significant community support for the proposal and subsequent approval from the Office of Geographic Names.

Prof Walker was a member of Victorian Parliament from 1979-1992, serving as planning minister from 1982-1986 and as a minister in several other portfolios up to 1990. He passed away earlier this year.

Love Lock Bridge

Thousands of padlocks attached to the sides of Southgate Footbridge that crosses the Yarra River between Flinders Street Station and Southgate Shopping precinct.

What are they? They are a symbol of love.

A unique way of showing your love for someone by attaching a lock to Melbourne's Southgate bridge. After attaching the lock, our lover throws the key into the Yarra River, sealing their love forever.

Known worldwide, Melburnian's have been showing their love for one another for more than 10 years on Southgate Footbridge.

The Love Lock Bridge is not a managed service. There is no officer in charge or anyone who manages the locks.

Buy a lock, bring your partner and together lock it on at any time, day or night.

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Love Lock

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A love lock or love padlock is a padlock which sweethearts lock to a bridge, fence, gate, or similar public fixture to symbolize their love.

Typically the sweethearts' names or initials are inscribed on the padlock, and its key is thrown away to symbolise unbreakable love.

Update May 2015

In May 2015, MCC were cut off and removed the locks citing structural integrity issues. Everyone hopes the MCC will allow lovers to start again.

Update October 2015

Today we rode over the bridge and didn't see one lock so it now looks like Love Lock Lost Bridge.

Update August 2019


MELBOURNE'S noisiest bridge has finally been fixed with City of Melbourne crews completing the finishing touches on commuter bugbear, the Evan Walker Bridge.

The Yarra River crossing raised eyebrows after its boards became noisy again and the council dedicated $446,000 to repairing the problem once and for all.

It is estimated about 20,000 people use the bridge each day and its huge popularity, linking Flinders Street Station to Southbank, is believed to be behind the creaky problem.

Lord Mayor Sally Capp said the upgrade meant pedestrians could now enjoy a much quieter walk.

"We've installed 21,000 polypropylene support blocks and 14,000 steel fasteners to tighten the planks and hold them in place," she said. "The geometry and popularity of the pedestrian bridge had caused the planks to flex and make noise.

"The works took four weeks to complete with construction workers using a barge to access the underside of the bridge."

It comes as part of a $1.3 million pledge by the City of Melbourne to upgrade and repair bridges throughout the CBD.

"We are focused on delivering projects that enhance our public spaces along the Yarra River and Southbank," Ms Capp said.

Student EJ Wood said the bridge wasn't as loud as it was before the upgrade.

"It's obviously made a small difference. If it's made it safer then that's good. Though it is in the middle of a city, which is never going to be perfectly quiet anyway," she said.

❊ What's On ❊

Ponyfish Island - Cafe/Bar

❊ Address ❊

 ⊜  Southbank Footbridge Southbank  View Map
Southbank FootbridgeSouthbankVictoria

❊ Web Links ❊

Southbank Pedestrian Bridge

View Love Lock Bridge Gallery

❊ Also See.. ❊

Southbank Promenade

Ponyfish Island - Cafe/Bar

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Southbank Pedestrian Bridge