GiveNow | is Australia's most user-friendly giving portal - a place where you can put your dollars to work to start building the kind of world you want to live in.
The site is designed to help you:
- Give More - more of your time, your money, your skills, your resources, your connections
- Give Smarter - discover what sort of giving will create the kind of world you want to see
- Give Better - learn about the best ways to convert your good intentions into action.
No money? No worries! Through you can also find out how to give time, blood, clothes, blankets, computers, mobile phones, bikes, even corks!
Log on to find the tools, ideas, inspiring stories and practical tips you need to convert your good intentions into action.
Our Community Foundation
GiveNow is an initiative of the Our Community Foundation, a not-for-profit established through the financial support of Our Community, and is supported by Westpac.
Our Community is a world-leading social enterprise that works to support and accelerate the impact of Australia's 700,000 community and not-for-profit groups through its website at, through practical education and training, a grants database, books, newsletters, online help sheets, the commission-free online donations service and other giving resources.
Our Community also supports government (local, state and federal) to improve its engagement with the community through the Australian Institute of Grants Management, and does the same for business through the Australian Institute for Corporate Responsibility (AICR).
❊ Address ❊
⊜ 51 Stanley St, West Melbourne 3003 View Map
✆ Telephone: (03) 9320 6800
❊ Web Links ❊
➼ GiveNow
➼ Our Community @ onlymelbourne
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Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.
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