Honey Bar

Honey Bar

A destination, a retreat, an opportunity to escape.

Hospitality as you think it should be, about you. Because let's be honest it's all about you.

HONEY BAR wants you to come back to South Melbourne because it's been too long. We're here now and we're OPEN LATE every night of the week.

HONEY is home.

❊ Location ❊

 Melbourne City Rooftop Honey [ view ]
 401 Swanston Street, Melbourne Victoria 8006 View Map

345 Clarendon StreetSouth MelbourneVictoria613 9696 3311

❊ Web Links ❊

Honey Bar 


Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Honey Bar