Human Wheelbarrows | World Record

Human Wheelbarrows | World Record

The world record for the largest human wheelbarrow race was broken in 2008 on September 9th when Melbourne's own Carey Baptist Grammar School in Kew set out to break the previous record that had been held by a high school in Singapore.

With the standing record set at 700 participants who had formed human wheelbarrows, the students and teachers of Carey Bapist Grammar gathered to form a staggering crowd of 1,044 participants, forming 522 human wheelbarrows with one person holding the legs of another.

Racing to a finish line that was 50 metres away must have been heavy going on the hands of the poor unfortunates destined to play 'wheelbarrow' but there must have been a great deal of enthusiasm as not one but two records were shattered that day!

Aside from breaking the Guinness World record for the largest number of participants, one pair who were among the fastest to the finish line, Josh McCormack (16) and Arjuna Benson (15), decided to have another stab at the race and managed to also break the record for Fastest 50-metre Human Wheelbarrow Race.

The previous record was held by a father and son team from Barbados, who'd finished the 50 metre race at 15.56 seconds, and while Josh and Arjuna's first attempt came in at just a fraction too slow, they rested for several minutes then tried again, crossing the finish line in an impressive 14.87 seconds to set a second world record for the school.


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Human Wheelbarrows | World Record

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Human Wheelbarrows | World Record