Leaps and Bounds | Paul Kelly

Leaps and Bounds | Paul Kelly

Leaps and Bounds is a song written by Paul Kelly with Chris Langman.

I'm high on the hill
Looking over the bridge
To the M.C.G.
And way up on high
The clock on the silo
Says eleven degrees

I remember I remember
I'm breathing today
The month of May
All the burning leaves
I'm not hearing a sound
My feet don't even
Touch the ground

I remember I remember
I go leaps and bounds
Down past the river
And across the playing fields
The fields all empty
Only for the burning leaves

I remember I remember
I go leaps and bounds
I remember everything

Video Clip: Leaps and Bounds

Bio: Paul Kelly


❊ Web Links ❊

Leaps and Bounds | Paul Kelly 

Paul Kelly

Lyrics | www.amws.com.au


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Leaps and Bounds | Paul Kelly