Luna Park Videos

Luna Park Videos

Video scenes from Luna Park in St Kilda outside of Melbourne...

Luna Park has been the iconic face of fun in Melbourne for over 100 years!

Previously this page featured videos of Port Phillip Bay (see below).

100 Years Of Fun

Luna Park 100 Years Of Fun

Scenic Railway

On the Scenic Railway circa 1912 -1915

Luna Park 1975

Grand Carousel

Our son and we love the beautiful Grand Carousel better known as the Luna Park Merry Go Round. The Grand Carousel Philadelphia Tobbogan Company PTC #30 which has been lovingly restored to its former glory.

See more videos at Luna Park Melbourne.

Port Phillip Bay on Film

We were rather bemused after a reader notified us about the videos previously shown on this page.. Port Phillip Bay on Film was 4 videos found on YouTube by another reader which we embedded on the page for all to see.

In August 2012, when you clicked on a video you are presented with a "This video is no longer available because the You Tube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimant [Luck Street Enterprises Eltham]".

Firstly, we are not the account holder as we only embedded the content, but we have been unable to discover who posted the video.

No copyright infringement intended.
All Rights Reserved.
For Entertainment purposes only.
No Profit Is Being Made.

St KildaVictoria

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Luna Park Videos 

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Luna Park

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Tags: Port Phillip Bay on Film

Luna Park Videos