Date and Time - Current - Melbourne

Date and Time - Current - Melbourne

For the current local time in Melbourne - Victoria - Australia and shows the time difference between Melbourne time and other time zones.

Current Time

Melbourne - Melbourne Time

Melbourne - Melbourne Time

Melbourne - World Clock Info

Melbourne Latitude [37° 49' S.]

Melbourne Longitude [144° 50' E.]

Melbourne located in Australian Eastern Time zone.

Melbourne Standard Time difference compared to UTC/GMT is +10 hours.

Melbourne Daylight Saving Time difference compared to UTC/GMT is +11 hours.


Melbourne's Best Known Clocks:

- Nylex Clock - is one of the most significant neon sky signs in Victoria was built by Neon Electric Signs in 1961. The sign is visible across many suburbs due to its high elevation upon the No. 2 Cremorne Silos. Adam Dimech

- Flinders Street Station clocks - The Melburnian idiom "I'll meet you under the clocks" refers to the row of clocks above the main entrance is a popular meeting place, at the corner of two of the city's busiest thoroughfares. From Wikipedia

- Melbourne Central Clock - in Melbourne Central shopping centre plays the unofficial national anthem.

Honourable Mentions

- Dimmey's Clock - Richmond - Interesting because there are no numbers only the letters that spell Dimmeys Stores.
- Richmond Town Hall We grew up with this clock staring straight through our kitchen window as we lived directly opposite.
- Speaking Clock - Telephone 1194 - Stopped in September 2019

❊ Web Links ❊

Date and Time - Current - Melbourne 

Daylight Saving in Melbourne

Australian Antiquarian Horological Society

Nylex clock to be restored - A.D.Online

Cremorne, Victoria - Wikipedia

❊ Also See... ❊

Melbourne CLOCKS

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Date and Time - Current - Melbourne