Melbourne Locked Out

Melbourne Locked Out

Official Protest Against 2am Lockout... Spread the word!!!

Who we are is a pressure group formed by the public in protest against the harmful 2am lockout policy. We are calling on public and media scrutiny of the proposed 1/4 year trial and demanding a postponement of the trial pending a full investigation by an independent committee.

What we are doing
We are holding one of the largest protests in Generation Y's history at Parliament house on Friday the 30th of May at 5pm. We intend to voice our concerns and issues in relation to the proposed declaration.

What we want
We want the proposed lockout trial to be postponed. We want to sit down with the government, police and licensees as representatives of the public, and come up with real solutions rather than just another Band-aid Brumby policy.

What the lockout is?
The lockout is a declaration (act of martial law used during war times) that says that nobody may enter a licensed premises after 2am even if you have already been inside that venue. Exemptions include pokie and keno littered RSL's, Crown Casino and Bottle shops.


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Melbourne Locked Out

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Melbourne Locked Out