Menzies Inc

Menzies Inc

Menzies Inc is a not for profit organisation which provides, through funding and partnership opportunities, support to equip young people who can no longer live with their natural families, with the life skills they need to lead independent, fulfilled lives.

Founded in 1865, in LaTrobe Street, Melbourne by Mr William Minton, the 'Ragged School Mission' was established for the 'rescue of waifs and strays and the relief of the destitute poor'.

Although assuming a number of name changes over the years and moving to Frankston on the Mornington Peninsula in 1901, the organisation has continued to provide a high standard of support for young people in need.

Sages Cottage Farm was previously owned by Menzies Inc and was used for a range of programs including projects to help disadvantaged and abused children, particularly through its Animal Assisted Therapy program. The charity ceased its programs at the site in mid-2013.

PO Box 55
Frankston Vic 3199
Tel: +61 3 9784 9700


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Menzies Inc

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Sages Cottage

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