Michael Costello's Webpage

Michael Costello's Webpage

Michael Costello, a 32 year old from South Blackburn in Melbourne, Australia. I have been a Disability Pensioner for quite some time, though I do make an attempt at working from home under my registered business name "VideBus". I don't do enough work for it to pay it's way, but it's a start.

The second half of 2007 turned out to be terrible for me. After starting the year on an "artificial high"thanks to my anti-depressants, what goes up must come down, and I crashed into several months of depression and NO work on my projects. During the "high"various proposals came out of my head, all announced to someone, and now I have had to spend months retracting them!

My recent attempts at producing a series of TV programs have fallen flat due to lengthy bouts of depression. A decision had to be made, and finally this year I decided to cancel the new series of "Transit". More recently, I tried another series "Inline Plus", but this series ran so late that I had no real choice but to hand the producer's role over to one of my volunteers. John Powell is now picking up the pieces of this series

Normally I spend the majority of my time in some form of volunteer work, mostly in Community Television Broadcasting. I am a regular volunteer for Northern Access TV, where I assist in various roles including Studio Crewing and Video Editing, which I do from home.

Did I ever work for a living? Yes I did! My main job was as a Melbourne Tram Conductor, working out of the old (and now knocked down) South Melbourne Tram Depot. I was there for a total of 19 months. For more, click here.

It was this job (and how it ended) that led to me finding out I have Asperger's Syndrome, where a "love"of transport is a very common thing! (If only I could have turned it into a love of passengers as well...!)

So my main interest areas? Transport and Television! My interest in transport has gone up and down like a yo-yo over the years. I was very interested as a kid, got burnt as a Conductor, and now find out of the job I'm enjoying it again. I now volunteer as a Conductor for the Tramway Museum at Bylands, near Kilmore operated by The Tramway Museum Society of Victoria

I also volunteer in a "transport"role - as an Earth Angel for Angel Flight where I provide transport to/from flights in my own van when required.

My interest in Television led me to C31 Melbourne, where I have volunteered in various things like working in the Presentation Control Room, etc. Now I am mainly in the production side with NAT.

Television has been an interest all my life, but I fondly remember when it was "nice"and not full of people killing each other! I also remember when it was "local". At least C31 is local, which is one aspect I like about Community TV.

A need for an activity other than the above has recently led me into Inline Skating. This new journey will unfold on a new page. Why did I do this? I have wanted to try it for a while, but didn't know how to go about it. Fortunately the "web"led me to a small business in Highett - Bayside Blades which has been more than helpful in pointing me in the right direction!

Anyway, thanks for visiting the site, and if you wish to leave some comments, please use the Guestbook or email me at [email protected] Hope you enjoy your visit to the site!

Michael Costello.


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