Northcote Kids Festival

Northcote Kids Festival

Well folks, it's been a great past 3 years, but I'm sad to say that the Northcote Kid's Festival isn't going ahead for 2012. While this might change for 2013, there simply wasn't enough support this year to run it. In the past we were generously supported by the local branch of the Bank of Melbourne, in-kind support from Darebin Council with the Northcote Town Hall, and various other sponsorship arrangements. Neither Darebin Council or the Bank of Melbourne were able to give us any financial support for 2012 however, and without a base level of funding it wasn't possible to continue. This might change for 2013 however, check back next year for more updates.

For those of you who missed it however, the Winter Kid's Festival launched this past July at The Substation in Williamstown, and was a great event! Supported by The Substation, Hobson's Bay City Council, and Curious Legends, this event is shaping up to be an awesome annual event! For more details, please see our website:

Thanks for everyone's support over the past 3 years, and I hope to see you at another festival again soon!

❊ Location ❊

 Northcote Town Hall Arts Centre [ view ]
 189 High Street Northcote Victoria 3070 View Map
 Telephone: 03 9481 9500

189 High StreetNorthcoteVictoria03 9556 4440

❊ Web Links ❊

Northcote Kids Festival

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Northcote Kids Festival