Save our Suburbs Inc (Vic)

Save our Suburbs Inc (Vic)

Save Our Suburbs (SOS) is a statewide lobby group for reform of town planning laws.

Our primary role is to research planning issues and lobby government and other organizations (including councils) for improvement to planning processes.

On the SOS website we provide planning news and information, and a Guide to download for residents objecting to their local council about development applications. We can give verbal advice about objecting and going to VCAT (the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal), and we can also refer you to various planning professionals.

Occasionally SOS runs public forums on important topical planning issues, like Melbourne 2030.

While we use some key individual cases as examples to help with lobbying, we don't have the resources to get directly involved in most local planning cases - this is where local activist planning groups come in.


The well-being of our society now and for the future depends upon maximizing the amenity of our neighbourhoods. That includes providing adequate infrastructure for communications, transport and services in an environmentally sustainable way.

Consequently, SOS has adopted the following aims:

1. To promote increased awareness of the impact of town planning and building policies in Victoria, particularly in relation to medium and higher density development in the suburbs of Melbourne.

2. To develop and promote policy on the location and form of housing, commercial development, and activity centers in the context of the preservation and/or improvement of neighbourhood amenity, the availability of mass transit, and the need for environmentally sustainable development.

3. To develop and promote policy on planning and building issues at Local, State, and Federal Government level.

4. To work with and lobby organizations and government for the adoption of our proposed changes to policy and legislation in relation to town planning, building and development in general.

5. To provide guidance to Councillors and State or Federal Members of Parliament to assist them to effectively carry out their responsibilities in town planning.

6. To provide guidance to residents and residents' organisations to help them acquire the skills and knowledge to effectively challenge inappropriate development to improve planning outcomes.

MelbourneVictoria9513 9674

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Save our Suburbs Inc (Vic)

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Save our Suburbs Inc (Vic)