Save Port Phillip Bay

Save Port Phillip Bay

Port Phillip Bay is at risk.

We need to save Port Phillip Bay from Labor's plans to blast the heads.

Labor's blasting plan would mean:

erosion of bay beaches
threat to fragile marine ecosystems
damaging tidal surges

Daniel Andrews and Labor have broken their promise to build a second container port, which would have created thousands of new jobs.

With no second container port to keep up with growing trade and larger ships, the Port of Melbourne will need to expand over the coming 70 years, requiring dredging and blasting the Port Philip Bay heads for larger ships.

The Coalition supports a second port, and protecting the bay from blasting.

Labor's Port sale is a dud deal for Victoria.

Authorised by S.Frost. 104 Exhibition Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
(03) 9654 2255 | | [email protected]


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Save Port Phillip Bay

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Blue Wedges Coalition

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Save Port Phillip Bay