Single Parents Active Kids

Single Parents Active Kids

Single Parents Active Kids is run by single parents for single parents on a volunteer basis, we are all about getting together in a positive/welcoming/social environment.


We run at least 4 events every week all over Melbourne.


Disney On Ice, Tutankhamen, Wonderland rides all day are just a glimpse of the special events we run. Most of our special events are at a cheaper price due to the numbers within our group.


This is a very new initiative for our group. Scoopon, Zizzle and so on are companies that provide deals at 50% off or more everyday. In the last few years we have saved our members over $100,000! Laser Skirmish/Ghost Tours/White Water Rafting/Restaurants and so on are all part of the deals we have for our members.


Including day trips to the snow we run at least 10 camps per year, this includes at least 2 parents-only camps per year. Phillip Island, Warrnambool and Anglesea are just 3 locations we visit on these camps. We also provide variety in the types of camps we offer: Catered, non-catered, tenting, cabins, YHA facilities. This gives you the opportunity to try different locations all over Victoria.


Does a trip to the Gold Coast sound appealing? How about Bali, Thailand, or Fiji? Our group has traveled to all of these locations in the last few years, and some of them are even a yearly occurrence!


We do offer regular parent-only events because from time-to-time it is nice to go out with just parents, but our main focus is the kids getting together in a fun/positive environment. 80% of our events are kids-orientated.


Parks, beaches, play-centres, restaurants, anywhere we can get together and have a good time is suitable for what we are about.


How wonderful it is to get together on a weekly basis and compete against other teams. Great for the body, great for the camaraderie that sporting teams and more importantly single parents active kids is all about!


To become a paid member of Single Parents Active Kids, the cost is $25 for 6 months or $45 for 12 months, and there are many benefits to being a member which can be found on our Membership page. But first, we do allow non-members to attend up to 2 non-paid events (eg. a Family Fun Day, a park, dinner) before making the decision to jump on board, so please feel free to give our non-paid events a try first!


Positive impact is one of our favourite terms. Single Parents Active Kids is all about getting together as often as possible in a positive environment. The term 'long-term friendships' has been used often. What we provide is the opportunity to get together with like-minded single parents and their active kids all over Melbourne, Victoria.

Unless you have been there you have no idea.

A saying that is so true to all of us. Come along and join in the non-stop fun of our group!


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Single Parents Active Kids

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Single Parents Active Kids