Sounds Of Melbourne

Sounds Of Melbourne

Sounds Of Melbourne by whereiskapa reminds us all of the sounds we've missed duiring lockdown, and a few we don't miss.

Sounds Of Melbourne | TimeOut

1. The ding... ding DING of an angry tram.
2. The clock at Melbourne Central that sings 'Waltzing Matilda'.
3. Suitcases being wheeled across various pebbled laneways.
4. The whoosh of cyclists as they speed down Swanston Street.
5. Construction. So. Much. Construction.
6. The sound of your Myki failing when you've forgotten to top up.
7. Train drivers casually explaining via the intercom why the train is late... again.
8. The subsequent groans from train passengers.
9. Italian restaurateurs on Lygon Street and Hardware Lane asking for "a table for two?"
10. Car horns blaring when someone doesn't do a hook turn correctly.
11. The sound of baristas bashing used coffee out of the portafilter.
12. "Biiiiig issue... gityerbigissuehere!"
13. The clippity-clop of the horse-drawn carriages.
14. Small talk in line at the American Doughnut Van.
15. People talking about plants in caf©s.
16. The voice of that friendly, bow-tie wearing tram driver on the 109/48 tram.
17. Vendors yelling out "Onedollaronedollardonedollardonedollaronedollar" at Queen Vic Market.
18. Someone playing Fur Elise obnoxiously on one of those Play Me, I'm Yours public pianos.
19. The sound of silence that sweeps over an entire tram when people spot a transport officer.


❊ Web Links ❊

Sounds Of Melbourne 

Sounds of Melbourne 2012 -

19 sounds that all Melburnians will recognise -

The Sounds of Melbourne: the brassy, insistent ding of a tram bell -

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Sounds Of Melbourne