Toy Story 4

Toy Story 4

New film Toy Story 4 out in time for the winter school holiday's guaranteeing the fourth in the series is another blockbuster..

On the road of life there are old friends, new friends, and stories that change you.

Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that's Andy or Bonnie.

But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called "Forky"to her room, a road trip adventure alongside old and new friends will show Woody how big the world can be for a toy.

Directed by Josh Cooley ("Riley's First Date?") and produced by Jonas Rivera ("Inside Out,""Up") and Mark Nielsen (associate producer "Inside Out"), Disney

Toy Story 4 | Official Trailer


A perfect adventure toy ****

Spanning 1995 through 2010, the Toy Story trilogy continues to embody a precious and all too rare form of movie alchemy, a magical combination of real art and true heart that connects with viewers of all ages, backgrounds and mindsets.

Just cast your mind back to the dramatic, lump-in-throat apex scaled by Toy Story 3, where the cast of computeranimated figures that had become our firm friends over the years looked certain to be banished to a fiery oblivion.

This was more than mere cartooning. This was something that mattered to us.

Therefore you should have every right to ask why, oh why, is there suddenly a fourth Toy Story beeping loudly on the pop-cultural radar? Has Pixar returned to the well once too often?

What you should know right now is that there is no need to worry here. Toy Story 4 pays its way as a respectful and highly satisfying addition to the canon, without once tainting the unimpeachable excellence of all that has gone before.

Less of a sequel and more of a stand-alone adventure that reflects the high standards of the trilogy, Toy Story 4's premise integrates Sheriff Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks) and our old faves with a new collection of characters more than worthy of admission to the Toy Story universe.

Chief among them is the wonderful Forky (Tony Hale), a goofy hybrid of plastic cutlery and pipe-cleaners that "even by the loosest definition" is not a toy at all. Forky actually comes to life as a kindergarten art project completed by Bonnie (Madeleine McGraw), the little girl who inherited Woody, Buzz, Bo-Peep and their entourage from former owner, the beloved Andy.

In spite of his lowly pedigree, the ultra-endearing Forky usurps all the regular toys to become Bonnie's preferred plaything.

It would be fair to say Forky is a bit oblivious to his new exalted status "he'd rather hang out in a rubbish bin than a toy cupboard" so it becomes the job of the always generous and kind Woody to become Forky's mentor, minder and, against all odds, true friend.

As has been the case in previous Toy Story instalments, Toy Story 4 goes to another level and remains there once a principal setting is established far from the safety of cupboards, shelves and toy boxes.

Many of the best sequences in the movie are staged in a rather creepy antique shop in a small holiday resort town where Bonnie has travelled with her family.

It is here that poor old gullible Forky becomes the unknowing hostage of Gabby-Gabby (Christina Hendricks), a vintage talking doll whose pullstring voice box will soon go silent forever.

Gabby-Gabby knows that Woody talks using the same model of voice box, and also knows that the cowboy in him will do anything to save Forky. Will Woody hand over his ability to communicate in exchange for a spark that can barely speak?

Both entertaining and emotionally astute, Toy Story 4 is simply wonderful stuff from beginning to end. There is plenty happening that has gone unmentioned here, and will be a certain joy for fans to discover upon repeat viewings.

Sure, you cannot improve upon perfection. But Toy Story 4 shows us you can hold a mirror up to it, reflect it, honour it, and leave that perfection intact.

Source: The Herald Sun Digital Edition: A perfect adventure toy
This article is from the June 20, 2019 issue of The Herald Sun Digital Edition


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