Tunnels under Melbourne

Tunnels under Melbourne

We intially had a giggle when we were asked how many tunnels were under Melbourne, but we decided not to have tunnel-vision (hehe) and we soon found there was more to it.

A little research into tunnels under Melbourne, we were surprised to discover tunnels potentially run everywhere under Melbourne.

Tunnel near Dights Falls - Yarra River [map]

There are reports that there used to be a large underground "bunker"near Dights Falls at Abbotsford. It is believed that this large underground "bunker"was an old WW2 air raid shelter and could hold a few thousand people.

Merri Creek, Northcote Tunnel [secret location]

We know this one exists because we have seen the entrance near Merri Creek. The picture above is the entrance to the tunnel, where a dedicated team led by Mark Rawson have been excavating the tunnel for over 10 years.

Speaking to Mark, he believes it leads to a bunker dug by the Americans during WW2 and used to store amunitions, and sealed and filled in after the war with dirt and rock. Locals remember a sentry being posted at the entrance to this tunnel. Could this tunnel be connected with the Dights Falls Bunker?

According to a Northcote Leader EXCLUSIVE in August 2011: Mystery of the Merri Creek tunnel unlocked. According to Roger Thompson who lived in the area as a boy, says it had nothing to do with the war effort at all. An underground stream was causing subsidence in surrounding streets and Northcote Council started digging the tunnel in 1941 to create a run-off. Mr Thompson said the project fizzled when council funding ran out and a lot of the men were called away to help out with the war effort.

If you are interested in knowing more about the excavation, then read this question written by Gary Vines at Australian tunnel mystery.

Source: The Age

Bunker under Swanston Street

Apparently during WW2 a boat was always moored near Swanston Street on the Yarra River, and in the event of an air raid, the occupants of the War Room at Victoria Barracks would be whisked away up the Yarra River to this "bunker".

Tunnel under Swanston Street Walk [map]

According to legend, it runs from St Paul's Anglican Cathedral under Swanston Street to where else, the pub > Young & Jackson's Hotel [Princes Bridge Hotel].

Bunker under Spencer Street

It is reported to be similar to the underground "bunker"under Spencer Street Railway Station in the Melbourne's CBD.

There is also a tunnel underneath Spencer St near Bourke St from the old mail exchange to the railway station (whatever it is named this year).

Tunnel near Melbourne Boy's High School [map]

There have been unsubstantiated reports of a tunnel from the Melbourne Boy's High School to nearby South Yarra Railway Station. It is rumoured that this tunnel was used to store arms during WW2.

Tunnel under Victoria Street [map]

A picture appeared in The Age newspaper showing a tunnel [walk] between The Eye and Ear Hospital and St Vincents Hospital.

Melbourne's biggest tunnel - City Loop

The City Loop (Melbourne Underground Rail) is a mostly-underground, partly surface-level and partly elevated railway around the central business district of Melbourne.

- Burnley Tunnel (CityLink)
- Domain Tunnel (CityLink)
- EastLink Tunnel (CityLink) under construction [see link below]

Parliament House [map]

A tunnel system links Parliament House and the Exhibition Building with a number of exits including Southern Cross Station (Previously Spencer Street Station). See a link below to Whitehat's - The Melbourne Most People Don't Know - Underground Tunnels in Melbourne.

Foy and Gibson, Coles Variety and Secret Tunnels

In 1911 a 3.6m wide tunnel was built below Smith Street to connect the Foy & Gibson Ladies' Store on the west side to their stores on the east side of the street. Miles Lewis.

Australasian Tunnelling Society

The Australasian Tunnelling Society ( ATS ) was formed in 1972 and is jointly sponsored by Engineers Australia and the Australasian Institute for Mining and Metallurgy.

Shamrock Street, Brunswick [map]
An amateur archaeologist believes a sinking Brunswick street is being undermined by a tunnel. It was reported last week that Shamrock Street was sinking and causing homes to crack. Amateur archaeologist Mark Rawson believes the cracking is too great to be caused by water damage.

"We are trying to convince the council to put a drill into the street to prove we are right"Mr Rawson said. "If we are right, we can access the tunnel...and fill it up with concrete."Mr Rawson, a lawyer, researches a series of tunnels in his spare time that he believes were created during World War II.

For the past six years he has led his own private dig at an old World War II bunker on the banks of the Merri Creek in Northcote (see above). He claims the tunnel under Shamrock Street also runs under Royal Park, which was a major American military camp during World War II, and runs all the way up to Coburg Swimming Pool.

Moreland Council's director of city infrastructure, Kevin Burgess, said the council was not considering Mr Rawson's suggestion. "While council appreciates the passion of this group, council cannot justify drilling 160 feet into a residential area without strong, evidential due cause,"Mr Burgess said.

"The road subsided due to the meeting of two soil bases beneath the road - basalt and marine and non-marine sands. In 2003/04 Darebin Council gave Mr Rawson permission to test his theory and prove a tunnel existed.

Darebin manager of capital works Graeme Holden said the testing took place in Oldis Gardens and Green Street and pieces of red gum were found more than 100 feet down, which Mr Rawson believes were the top of a tunnel.

Amateur Archaeologist blames tunnel for street crack-up - by Brigid Ennis

Melbourne's Ghost Train Tunnels
An amazing underground infrastructure where ghost trains run in the middle of the night remains one of Melbourne's most amazing hidden gems and one of Melbourne's best April Fool's pranks.. well done WhiteHat.

Also see Tunnel Vision - service tunnel under Parkville's Royal Melbourne Hospital.


❊ Web Links ❊

Tunnels under Melbourne 

Tunnel Vision (good article on Melbourne tunnels)

Northcote Tunnels

Young & Jackson's Hotel [Princes Bridge Hotel]

Bunker under Spencer Street Railway Station

War Room at Victoria Barracks

Bunkers / Dights Falls - Rex Stubbs -

List of (main) tunnels From Wikipedia

Underground Tunnels in Melbourne - Whitehat

Foy and Gibson, Coles Variety and Secret Tunnels

Melbourne Boy's High School Tunnel

Australasian Tunnelling Society

Road Tunnels in Australia - Eugenio A. Merzagora

Royal Park bunkers and tunnels

Spencer Street Station Bunker

Pictures of Melbourne Tunnels


City Loop From Wikipedia

Cave Clan

❊ Also See.. ❊

Cave Clan

Mark Rawson | Merri Creek Tunnels

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Tunnels under Melbourne