Understanding Linking

Understanding Linking

Is there really any such thing as a free listing ?

Here we discuss why websites "link together".

It is well known that 'search engines' account for the majority of traffic generated on the internet. In other words, most visitors to your website will originate through a search engine. It is not so well known, that to get to the top of search results, requires 'two-way linking' with websites that are already listed.

What's the point? If you do not 'out-link' to well-ranked websites, your marketing will fail. Your website will never generate any reasonable number of visitors because it can't be found without expensive advertising.

OnlyMelbourne has not spent one single dollar in advertising

OnlyMelbourne is ranked in over 1,200 Melbourne based search results. It took years to achieve, but with a simple policy of reciprocal linking, we generate around 20K+ visitors every day. We are happy to pass this traffic onto websites that link to us.

Next step...

1. Create a Links Page on your website.
2. Create a link from your 'home page' to the 'links page'.
3. Add worthwhile links to websites in your industry and request they link to you.

Important Linking Notes

The links page must be hosted on the same domain as your home page:
The link must be a follow link (rel="follow")
The links page must be directly accessible from the home page with a html hyperlink. No javascript or image links.
The outgoing link must be direct using correct HTML.
Ensure there are no more than 90 links on each links page. Avoid multiple sub-links pages as robots rarely get to them.

KEEP IN MIND: The purpose of linking is to create a connection a search engine 'robot' can see and follow. The further the robot has to travel, the less likely the connection will be made!


❊ Web Links ❊

Understanding Linking 

Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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Understanding Linking