

WeCycle recycle unwanted bikes and re-home them with people who need them.

We had an idea!

To set up a bicycle workshop to recycle discarded and unwanted bikes for distribution to members of refugee communities and other people who do not have the means of owning or knowledge of bikes to take advantage of their benefits.

Why would we want to do that?

First of all, we are passionate about bicycles as an affordable and sustainable means of transport that helps address community concerns about pollution, our reliance on fossil fuels and traffic congestion.

Bikes are also a fantastic way to keep fit and healthy. Riding a bike is fun and an accessible way to connect with your community through a shared experience.

Recycling discarded and unwanted bikes is also a great way to reduce landfill and demonstrate that repairing and re-using is a sustainable approach to everyday life that will save you money and reduce the environmental impact our rampant consumerism has on the planet.

The other issue that led us to this project is that we were embarrassed, frustrated and often angry at how Australia treats refugees and minority cultures, we wanted to be on the right side of the cultural equation. We feel an obligation to assist those who have been forced to look for help from our affluent country. A bicycle can make life a little easier, be fun and keep you healthy. We think everyone should have one.

It is no good to give someone a bike who has never had a chance to learn how to ride and does not have any knowledge of the road rules or how to maintain the bike, so we plan to offer encouragement and training as well.

We hope that this will prepare our recipients with the knowledge and skills to confidently and safely use and maintain their bike.

We also hope to be able to supply each bike with a helmet and basic maintenance kit if possible.

For this to happen, we are going to need some help........


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Disclaimer: Check with the venue (web links) before making plans, travelling or buying tickets.

Accessibility: Contact the venue for accessibility information.

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