Whitehorse Community Chest

Whitehorse Community Chest

Established 1962, the Whitehorse Community Chest has supported local charities, welfare agencies and community groups addressing the needs of the disadvantaged in the Whitehorse community for over 50 years.

The Whitehorse Community Chest is managed by a volunteer Executive Management Committee, one full time staff member, student interns and many generous volunteers.

Each year over 800 volunteer walkers/collectors door-knock or deliver pamphlets throughout the community to raise funds to be distributed to local charities and community groups.

In addition to this the Whitehorse Community Chest currently financially supports over 80 local primary school children with our 'Whitehorse Kids In Need' program. This program facilitates the purchase of educational basics such as school books, uniforms, swimming lessons and school camps to help local disadvantaged school children stay engaged with their education and feel a part of their school community.

❊ Address ❊

 ⊜  10/27 Bank St,  Box Hill 3128 View Map
 ✆ Telephone:  (03) 9285 4890
10/27 Bank St, Box HillVictoria (03) 9285 4890

❊ Web Links ❊

Whitehorse Community Chest 


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Whitehorse Community Chest