Pentridge Prison - inside out

Pentridge Prison - inside out

Over 10 years Adrian Didlick's interest in preserving images of Pentridge Prison grew into a subject matter that never stopped fascinating him.

This collection of photos and unique insights is now a photo book.

Adrian Didlicks book 'Pentridge Prison - Inside out' includes an introduction, texts to all the divisions and hundreds of photos.


Pentridge Prison - Inside out
by Adrian Didlick & Katrin Strohl

Pentridge Prison - Inside out is a 288 page photo book, with photos taken by Adrian Didlick, curated and edited by Katrin Strohl.

The introduction and texts to the divisions are written by Don Osborne, a former teacher at Pentridge and author of the book Pentridge: Behind the Bluestone Walls.

About 12 years ago Adrian Didlick started taking photographs of Pentridge Prison. His interest in preserving images of the then abandoned, 146 year old prison and its environs grew into a fascination. A fascination that hasn't stopped.

Over the last year I dedicated many many hours going through Adrian's photographs, sorting and curating them into a 280 page book. None of the photos were changed or edited. No filters or effects were used.

Don Osborne, a very good friend of Adrian's, former teacher in Pentridge during its most volatile years and the author of 'Pentridge - Behind The Bluestone Walls', has gracefully written a brief history of the prison complex as a preface to the book.

Our intention is to give a unique insight into this important historical landmark and show warts and all the conditions that people worked, lived and died in.

Hardcover, A4 landscape, full colour print.
ISBN - 9780646825014
Self Published



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Pentridge Prison - inside out

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Pentridge Prison - inside out